Kipawa is a municipality surrounded by majestic lakes that constitute the primary resources of our local community.

Its geographic location invites tourists to spend enjoyable times and to discover the natural attractions of our mixed boreal forests and our wide spaces favourable for outdoor activities.

Our residents are cordial, engaging and stand together. It is an area diversified due to its Quebec, English and Native cultures.

The local economy centers on forestry and tourism.

Because of its natural sites it is an ideal area for four season vacationing offering spectacular sceneries that will dazzle the eyes.

Kipawa is an area where life is good and we foresee our future with determination to increase the quality of life of our local community on the theory of durable development.

Come visit or reside. You will be welcome!

Norman Young, Mayor

Trouver un point de service de la SAAQ!

Official Promo - Kipawa on Vimeo.

What's new ? (most recent announcements)
2024/03/20 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC aux citoyens habiles à voter - Règlement d'emprunt no. 153 pour camion de déneigement (details)
2024/03/02 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC - Adoption du règlement d'emprunt no. 153 pour l'acquisition d'un camion de déneigement (details)
2024/02/07 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC - Annexion d'une partie du territoire de la Ville de Témiscaming à celui de la Municipalité de Kipawa (details)
2024/01/11 - Job offers : OFFRE D'EMPLOI - Préposé(e) aux permis et à l'immatriculation (details)
2023/06/08 - News & bulletins : LIST OF HELP RESOURCES (violence, suicide, drugs, etc.) (details)
2022/12/05 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC - Adoption du budget 2023 à la réunion du Conseil du mercredi 14 décembre 2022 à 18h30 (details)
2021/12/15 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC - Adoption du plan triennal d'immobilisation 2022-2023-2024 (details)
2021/12/08 - Public notices : PUBLIC NOTICE - Regular council meeting on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (details)
2021/12/08 - Public notices : INVITATION - Public presentation of the new evaluation roll (details)
2021/09/12 - Public notices : PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION - Polling day November 7, 2021 (details)
2021/09/04 - Public notices : PUBLIC NOTICE to building owners and occupants of a business establishment (details)
2021/09/04 - Public notices : PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION - Voting by mail (details)
2021/07/21 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC - Adoption du 2e projet de règlement #141 relatif aux poules domestiques (details)
2021/02/22 - News & bulletins : L'eau de mon puits - Pour ma santé et celle de mes proches, je la fais tester! (details)
2020/08/18 - Public notices : PUBLIC NOTICE - Application for a minor exemption (details)
2020/06/23 - Public notices : AVIS PUBLIC - Adoption du règlement 138 : Programme Écoprêt pour le remplacement des installations septiques 2020 et 2021 (details)
2019/07/09 - News & bulletins : Campagne de sensibilisation à l'économie d'eau potable - Le MAMH fait appel à vous ! (details)
2019/06/05 - News & bulletins : SOUND MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUAL MATERIAL - An inspector to help you adopt better practices! (details)
2018/01/30 - Classifieds : HALL RENTALS - KIPAWA HALL (details)